Theories of Communication

P2 – Discuss theories of communication
There are many theories that relate to communication. within a health and social care context such as a conversation between a doctor and a patient at a GP’s the two main theories we refer to are Michael Argyles communication cycle, and Tuckmans stages of group interaction.
Michael Argyle believed that interpersonal communication was a skill which thus could be developed.   Therefore, skilled interpersonal interactions involve a cycle. He suggested there are 6 stages that occur when we interact with another person. These six stages are; ideas occur, message coded, message sent, message received, message decoded and message understood.
The first stage where the ideas occur is when we think about what we are going to say and who we are going to say it to. You must think (or already have an idea) about what you want to communicate. The second stage, which is message coded, is where you think about how you are going to communicate your message across and you put your thoughts into language or another form of communication such as British Sign Language (BSL). The third stage of Argyles communication cycle is message sent. This is where you deliver your message to the other person(s) whether it is by speech, BSL or written communication, ultimately you have sent your message. The fifth stage in which we go through is message decoded. At this stage the other person has to interpret or decode the message in which they have received. Sometimes messages may get misconstrued due to body language and gestures and therefore it is not always the easiest stage. The final stage of Argyles communication cyle is message understood which means that if the message has been effectively coded, sent, received & understood, your idea will be understood.
An example of this cycle in action would be;
Ideas occur: I want to talk to a patient about how to deal with their sudden illness.
Message coded: I think of how what I am going to say and...