The Unicorn

The Unicorn
    When I was 8 years old, my friend Tammy gave me a unicorn for Christmas. He was a plastic toy which stood about 8 inches tall, and about 10 inches long. His body was white and his eyes were painted red. At first sight I was a little freaked out because the red in his eyes looked like the color of blood. I didn’t want to offend her, so I accepted the gift and thanked her for giving it to me.

      I decided to put him on the headboard of my bed. I shared a room with my little sister and we had bunk beds that we separated so she could have one side of the room while I had the other side. This gave us both comfort in knowing that we weren’t alone. My sister looked at my gift and she stated that she didn’t like the way he looked. I didn’t listen to her opinion, and put him up there anyway.

      It was a cold December night, so I covered myself up and fell asleep. I suddenly woke up due to a horrible night mare. I dreamt that monsters with blood red eyes were chasing me, and they wanted to eat me. I was shaking, in a cold sweat, and terrified. I thought it was just my imagination, so I didn’t think too much about it and I fell back to sleep. The next night I had another night mare that my sister was coming after me. She had blood red eyes and her head was turning completely around like in a movie. I was extremely terrified, so I grabbed the unicorn and I threw him in the closet and shut the door. I was now certain that the unicorn had something to do with me having these bad dreams.

      The following night I was awoke by the howling of the wind, and the sound of the tree branches outside hitting against my window. I looked over to the closet and I saw the door knob turning very slowly. I starred in both disbelief and curiosity.   Then I saw the door opening up very slowly. In the middle of the darkness of the closet were two red eyes starring at me. The eyes weren’t on the ground where I had thrown the unicorn, they were about three feet in...