The Role of Effective Communication

The role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context.
Effective communication is when information is shared between two people or a group of people and that information is received and understood by the receiving person or people. An example of effective communication being used in health and social care is when a practitioner is explaining their patient’s problem to them and the patient fully understands what the practitioner is saying.   Interpersonal communication is when people exchange feelings and information through verbal and non-verbal face to face communication. Interpersonal communication is the way of explaining how the information being told to someone is put across, this includes the language that is used and the tone of voice it is said in. It also includes the non-verbal communication methods including the body language, gestures and also the facial expressions used to put the information across.   An example of where interpersonal communication being used in health and social care is when a doctor is talking to their patient using language that the patient will understand, if a doctor spoke to a patient using complicated language, jargon, the patient would not be able to understand what the doctor is talking about and will therefore misunderstand. That is why it is important for a doctor to speak in simple language so that the patient will be able to understand there problem.
There are different contexts in which communication will be used within a health and social care setting. Within communication there are two main types of contexts which are one-to-one communication and communication within a group. There are many different types of communication between a one-to-one context within a health and social care environment. One example is between a counsellor and their client, within this environment it would be a private situation in which the language used would be in a formal context. The...