The Republicans Did More to Lose the Spanish Civil War Than the Nationalists Did to Win It.

‘The Republicans did more to lose the Spanish Civil War than the Nationalists did to win it’ Discuss.

During the 1930’s Spain’s political divide grew until, to some, there seemed to be no other option than to seize power thus starting the civil war; in 1930 there was high levels of animosity between the left (socialist, communists and Republicans) and the right (Carlists/monarchist, CEDA, Falange) in the lead up to the 1933 election which was won by the National front (right wing) with the Radicals coming second a coalition between the parties did eventually follow in 1934, postponed 3 years as Zamora distrusted Gil Robles, this caused right wing anger however the inclusion of the CEDA was the signal for the Left wing to rebel; the failed 1934 revolution. It failed in Madrid as the Socialist UGT gave Zamora 24 hours notice, so of course the socialist leaders were arrested; in Barcelona the President Companys changed his political stance in order to stop the rebellion, however there was more success in Asturias where the rebellion managed to last for two weeks despite elite forces being called from Morocco. There was a lasting effect from the revolution attempt though; left wing anger increased as many of their supporters had been arrested or shot by the right wing just for supporting them. 1935 saw the collapse of the CEDA/ Radical coalition as a financial scandal was leaked, public distrust was so great that a general election was called for February 1936. The election ended in a left wing majority and immediately left wing prisoners from the 1934 failed revolution were released; this out raged the right wing parties who started to plot against the new government. The left wing were aware of the plots but thought that sacking and arresting leading generals would be enough to control any radical plans. The hot summer only mirrored the increasing political atmosphere; street fighting grew and many strikes were held (mainly by left wing groups) as the Left wing...