The Representation of Intense Human Relationships in Othello

The Representation of Intense Human Relationships in Othello
Ultimately, in this Shakespearean drama, it is the representation of intense human relationships that captivates audiences. Explore the representation of at least one intense human relationship in “Othello” evaluating its significance in the play as a whole.

Intense relationships are a very important part of the play “Othello”, forming the basis of its plotline and themes. One example of an intense relationship is between Othello and his wife Desdemona, another between Othello and his lieutenant Iago. Both of these relationships are significant to the play as a whole.

Jealousy is one of the main themes in “Othello”. Although Othello and Desdemona’s relationship at the beginning of the play is one of intense love, as the play progresses it becomes one of intense jealousy on Othello’s behalf. This relationship is significant because it is what forms the basic storyline of the play. All of the other characters in the play and their actions are based on the couple, from Iago and his manipulation to Roderigo and his desperate quest for Desdemona’s love. Othello’s jealousy of Cassio and his alleged affair with Desdemona is intense enough to make him kill his own wife, who he loves dearly. This theme of jealousy is reinforced and reflected in Iago’s jealousy of Cassio for his position of power and Roderigo’s jealousy of Desdemona’s love for Othello. It is Iago’s jealousy that sets in motion the series of events central to the play, which shows how significant the relationship between Othello and Desdemona is.

The relationship between Iago and Othello is also significant to the play as a whole. Although on the surface it is based on friendship, it is soon revealed that one-sided jealousy, this time on behalf of Iago, is also an integral part of the relationship. This reflects the theme of double-crossing, as revealed in the language device of dramatic irony. Although Iago appears to act in the best...