The Renaissance & Leonardo Da Vinci

The Renaissance & the Man Who Wanted to Know About Everything
The time period commencing modern history within Europe, more commonly known as the Renaissance, was a period that introduced classical ideas and values as well as modernity, new styles and trends. During the Renaissance, progressive and influential changes were made in the aspects of art, architecture, literature and science known as the humanities or the liberal arts. These changes were made by significant individuals of the time such as Leonardo da Vinci (artist/scientist) who is one of the most revered humanists of the time. Humanists such as Leonardo explored classical values from ancient civilizations and made new discoveries as well. For example, Leonardo was able to define and change the world with his many discoveries and artworks.

The Renaissance was an efflorescence of the arts and ideas that coincided with the rediscovery of the Ancient Greek and Roman cultures (J, Green 2012, Video). It is defined as a time of rebirth and cultural movement between the 15th and 17th centuries in Italy which then spread throughout Europe. “The word Renaissance means French for 'rebirth'. Which occurred in the period of time from the 15th to the 17th century, implying a rediscovery of rational civilization (exemplified by Greece and Rome)”- B. Gascoigne, HistoryWorld, Website. During the Renaissance people were eager to learn more about mankind and the world around them. They became less interested in religious subjects and focused more on their areas of knowledge. With the Renaissance being at the end of the bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history, people became less interested in the idea of heaven and began to think more about themselves and what is around them. Their new found interest became known as humanism. Although the legacy of the Renaissance is still debated upon today it is believed that the period enduringly impacted the world with its developments in the humanities.
