The Jehadi

Omar walked through the crowded streets of Chandini Chowk in Delhi. At the very heart of Old Delhi, the Chowk was a significant historical and social center. Teeming with local bazaars selling all kinds of goods: from trinkets to vegetables, from books to pirated CD’s and DVD’s of the latest bollywood flicks and all kinds of local delicacies and mysterious concoctions. The Chowk was also extremely popular with locals and tourists alike. It was also an economically significant area. Omar heard the usual din you would find at a Bazaar. Women haggling, shopkeepers creating a vociferous din, children scampering about, ‘white-skins’ peering at goods, old men talking politics...the usual bazaar scene. The Chowk was rightfully situated in the heart of Old Delhi. And this was where Omar was about to strike. Like a myocardial infarction, Omar intended to ensure Delhi would never quite be the same again…
A few hundred meters away, RAW Agent 707 stood looking for someone suspicious…someone who looked like a suicide bomber. The RAW had gathered information that, on the 4th of September, 2011, the Mujahedeen had planned an attack somewhere in Delhi. Several agents were similarly stationed all over the city looking for suspects. The suspect was a tall man, about 6 feet 2 inches tall. Built medially, he was rumored to walk with a very slight limp, so slight that it was almost impossible to detect. And this is exactly why Agent 707 had been stationed at one of the most difficult places to police. His hawk like gaze observed and analyzed every single detail around him. He had proven himself countless times during numerous infiltrations and recon operations. Moreover, patriotic fervor was imbedded into him so deeply that from the age of 7 he knew he would surrender himself to the defence of his country. His dedication was boundless and he felt a burning rage against these militants...anarchists in his mind. And the top brass knew that even though Chandini Chowk would be difficult...

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