The Family

The Family

Nuclear Families
Nuclear family is the term used to describe the ‘typical’ family which consists of a husband, a wife and their children. A nucleus is something’s core, this is where the term ‘nuclear family’ comes from, because the family consists of only the core members. A long time ago the husband would go out to work while the wife would stay home to look after the children and do the housework. Today, this isn’t often the case as both parents often both work full time whilst the children are cared for by child-minders, nurseries and nannies. The roles of men and women are now seen as being equally responsible for housework.
Extended Families
Extended families is where the parents, children and grandparents all live together or are nearby and keep in constant contact with one another. The extended family has many advantages like parents being able to work without worrying about who is looking after their children. Grandparents could look after the children or if the grandparents need looking after the parents can help. The extended family provides a close relationship and support.
Reconstituted Families
The reconstituted family consists of a parent, step parent and children. It is where the couple are not both parents of each child in the family. It may be that one partner has been married previously and divorced and remarried to make a new family.
Lone-Parent Families
Lone parent families are when there is one parent bring up his/her children alone. Nearly ¼ of all families with dependent children are now lone parent families. Although some lone parent families are well off, many are disadvantaged and many lone parents rely on benefits or receive low wage.