The Difference Between Sequence and Rate of Development

It is important to know the difference between the sequence and rate of development as it helps knowing the child's needs and abilities and where we can help and support them during their time in school.
Sequence of development means that there is a flow to their development which should follow suit. This is a definitive order in which children and young people accomplish these milestones. This means that children would normally accomplish these areas of development before moving on to the next. If a child has difficulty in meeting the next milestone it may also slow down the development for the next milestone. For example a child may be able to lift their head much quicker than another, there may be a few months before the other child can do this. But every child must accomplish this before they can move on to the next milestone.
The rate of development is how quickly the child can accomplish these. This can vary   with every child, but most will accomplish around the same time. For example one child may be able to walk at 12 months as another may be 16 months.
The main difference between sequence and the rate of development is the sequence is the order it takes place as the rate is how long it takes them to accomplish this. All children are unique and will develop at their own pace, so the rate of development is just a guideline. It is important to understand that the sequence will always stay the same as the rate of development can vary quite a lot. Things like social background, health and nutrition, growth development, disability and learning difficulties can have an effect on a child's development.