The Death Penalty

The Death Penalty
The death penalty has been around in our history for centuries.   Animals, tribes, and government all use the death penalty for punishment and to prove dominance.   When most people think about the death penalty they think of old English queens and the guillotine, or old western America and hangings.   The death penalty has evolved over time to the methodical thing we see today.  
The death penalty is use to punish major crimes or felonies.   The crime that convicts a person to death varies from state to state. This is because the courts are state ruled or state governed. Not every state uses the death penalty; some find it morally wrong. Out of the fifty the states in America, thirty four states still use their power to determine the life or death of a human being. The states that do practice the death penalty argued that it is in play to prevent future murders. They say this is giving an example to others who might try this same crime. Considering the amount of time the death penalty has been around why humans, as smart as they are, wouldn’t get the message is beyond them. Studies have shown that it takes someone to be completely out of the mind and body to kill someone out of cold blood.   Then there is the idea that a person’s sex, race, and age play a factor in who gets the death penalty and who just rots in prison. These states that participate in giving the death penalty believe that if you are older and nearing the time of a natural death you my just sit and wait it out.   Also, there is the fact that they are too quick to hand out the punishment without the all the evidence or lack of.   Since the death penalty was put back in to place eighty seven people have been released from death row; because of a DNA test proved their innocents.   That is just one way that shows how the courts are not looking for all the evidence.   These cases are just dropped after the judges feel like the case has been going on to long and send him to be put to death....