The Church and the State: a Compound of Pure Destruction

The Church and the State: A Compound of Pure Destruction
Copious amounts of chemicals create a world of chemistry within our complex universe. Each of these chemicals possesses their own individual qualities, and when combined, some create compounds that prove to be exponentially beneficial. However, not every element is meant to correlate with another different element, for the results of doing so are often devastatingly disastrous. Our Earth is blanketed by a layer of the atmosphere called the Ozone, and while this Ozone existed and functioned without blemish, certain elements have combined to spark the destruction of the atmospheric sheet that shields us from the harmful agents of universe. Ozone is destroyed by reactions with chlorine, bromine, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen gases, reactions that typically occur through catalytic processes. Without this ozone, we are not protected from the biologically harmful ultra violet rays of the sun, and the effects of exposure to these rays would be unimaginable. Within society elements exist just as they do within the sciences. Certain elements are meant to exist with one another in complete harmony; while on the contrary, some elements are not. The church and the state are two exhaustively stable elements, and do definitely benefit society in multitudinous ways, but when combined, atrocious outcomes are inevitable. Power builds up into insurmountable levels, disagreements become inescapable, and logicality becomes nonexistent, all from the affiliation of these two establishments. Arthur Miller’s,   The Crucible is an exquisite representation of the monumental destruction that can emerge with the connection of the controversial and even ambiguous workings of the all too powerful church with the logically moral and justice seeking state.
Power is an exceptionally robust force that could corrupt even the most morally minded individuals. Within the trials of human life and Arthur Miller’s prodigious production, examples...