The Changes in Juvenile Delinquency

Unfortunately most people have first-hand knowledge of the phrase “juvenile delinquency”. It’s not something to be proud of but it is what it is, life. Children often test the limits and boundaries set by their parents and other authority figures. Among adolescents, some rebelliousness and experimentation is common.   The phrase “juvenile delinquent” puts focus on the child instead of the parents, who are the problem.
The first discovery about juvenile delinquency is that it refers to antisocial or illegal behavior by children or adolescents. These children present great concern to parents and the community at large. The prevention of delinquency requires identifying at-risk individuals and their environments before delinquent activity and behavior occur, and then removing such risk factors or strengthening resistance to the risk factors already present. Regardless of how good a parent you are, or how close your family is, this doesn't mean that your teen is immune from the effects of relationship violence. Relationship-based abuse happens to good kids, smart kids and strong kids -- and though you'd rather not even think about it, the harsh reality of the matter is that it can happen to your kid, too.
The second discovery is that juvenile delinquency is the broad-based term given to juveniles who commit crimes. Juveniles are defined as those people who haven’t reached adulthood or the age of majority. Delinquency can be defined as the committing of those things considered crimes by the state, although delinquent can also mean abandoned. Thus juvenile delinquency can cover anything from small crime — a student who cuts school repeatedly is delinquent--to very serious crimes like felony theft and murder. Family factors which may have an influence on offending include; the level of parental supervision, the way parents discipline a child, parental conflict or separation criminal parents or siblings parental abuse, and the quality of the parent-child relationship...