The Blind Side

The Blind Side
At a young age Michael Oher was separated from his mother. With his mother gone he had no home, no support, and no love. Once Michael met the Tuohy’s he received the home, support, and love he was left without. Michael’s persistence and protective traits led him on the right path staying away from violence and the gang related life in which he was raised in. Without Michael’s persistence to do well, he would not be where he is now.
Michael faced many obstacles in is life. At a very young age Michael was taken away from his mother because she was addicted to drugs. Michael knew he needs to find his mother otherwise she would die from drugs. When Michael was separated from his mother he had no place to stay. Once Michael was taken in by the Tuohy’s he had to go to school. At school many kids assumed Michael was dangerous because of his size. The football coach of the school team assumed because Michael was bigger than most people and came from such a terrible childhood he would be good at football because it would help get rid of his anger and be aggressive. Michael was not angry so was not very aggressive at football and did not know how to play football very well. Once he overcame that and he could play football better, Michael kept receiving scholarships for collage under the condition that he raised his grades. He faced many obstacles during his life.
Michael’s character traits helped him get through many of the obstacles he faced in his life. When Michael crashed the car, he blocked the air bag from hurting S.J. Michael was being protective of him. When Leigh-Ann drove Michael to the “bad” part of town where Michael looked for his mother, he refused to let Leigh-Ann get out of the car because he knew it was unsafe for her. When Leigh-Ann told Michael to act as if his football team was his family and he needed to protect them from the other team he immediately started playing better. Michael is also very persistent. When Michael was expected...