Test Paper

English A1SL Rubric, World Literature (Papers 1 and 2)
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A. Selection of the Aspect and its Treatment | The candidate has not reached level 1. | Little attempt to define the aspect chosen; the treatment of ideas is generally inappropriate to the assignment. (The aspect chosen has little focus; the treatment of ideas is generally not relevant to the aspect chosen, or the assignment consists mainly of paraphrase.) | Attempt to define the aspect chosen; the treatment of ideas is to some extent appropriate. (The aspect chosen is to some extent appropriate to the assignment; the aspect chosen has focus, but it is too wide; the treatment of ideas is sometimes not relevant to the aspect chosen, or the assignment consists in part of paraphrase.) | The aspect is defined and followed by a generally appropriate treatment of ideas. (The aspect chosen is appropriate to the assignment; the aspect chosen has a specific and generally relevant focus; the treatment of ideas is relevant to the aspect chosen, and includes a personal response to the works.) | Clearly defined aspect followed by an appropriate treatment of ideas. (The aspect chosen is appropriate to the assignment; the aspect chosen has a specific and relevant focus; the ideas show independence of thought and their treatment is relevant to the aspect chosen.) | Clearly defined aspect followed by a highly appropriate treatment of ideas. (The aspect chosen is highly appropriate to the assignment; the aspect chosen has a specific and relevant focus; the ideas show independence of thought and their treatment is highly relevant to the aspect chosen.) |
B. Knowledge and Understanding of Works | The candidate has not reached level 1. | Little understanding of the works studied. (Knowledge but little understanding of the aspects of the works most relevant to the assignment; a few links between works, where appropriate; little appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where...