
Business Environment Unit 1
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Task 1 Using working example or the case the study identify the purposes of different types of organization (Outcome 1.1) 2
Task 1: Using an example of your choice illustrate how an organization meets the objectives of different stakeholders. (Outcome 1.2) 3
Task 1: Using the case study, explain the responsibilities of an organization and the strategies employed to meet them. (Outcome 1.3) 4
Task 2: Illustrate how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively. Use the case study to illustrate your answer. (Outcome 2.1) 4
Task 2: Fiscal and monetary policy affects business organizations and their activities, discuss this with a working example of your choice. (Outcome 2.2) 5
Task 2 Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of an organization of your choice or that or the case study. (Outcome 2.3) 6
TASK 3: Pricing and output decisions of an organisation are determined by market structures. In your opinion is this true. Outcome: 3.1 8
Task 3: Using a working example of your choice show how market forces shape organisational responses (Outcome: 3.2) 8
Task 3: Using an example of your choice discuss how the business and cultural environment shape the organisations behaviour. (Outcome: 3.3) 9
Task 4: Using an example of your choice discuss how the business and cultural environment shape the organisations behaviour. (Outcome: 4.1) 10
Task 4: The impact...

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