Terestrial Resource Issues

Terrestrial Resource Issues
    Disposing of solid waste is a huge issue facing society today. Less than 25 percent of the waste produced daily is recycled. On average, each United States individual creates 4.6 pounds of garbage daily for a total of over 200 million tons of waste annually (Annenberg Media, n.d.). Until recent years, little regard was given to the environmental effects or the health hazards that were caused by improper waste disposal.
    Waste disposal was not an issue until it became a serious problem. Now it often headlines newspapers, or the evening news as the cause for disease in communities and other negative effects on vegetation and wild life. The good news is that there are a few viable solutions to reduce excess waste.
    Landfills or dumps are limited and many have been closed because of contamination to the groundwater. Contaminated water not only causes human illness but can cause disease in wildlife as well. As a result, burying solid waste is not a viable option. Burning waste has pros and cons as a solution. While heat from burning solid waste material can create energy; it unfortunately can also cause the air to become polluted (Annenberg Media, n.d.). Clearly, viable and safe means of waste disposal must be found to protect society and the environment.
    Research shows that there are some sustainable solutions available to meet our immediate needs and provide safe means of disposal for future generations. One such alternative is recycling. Recycling reduces the amount of waste to be disposed. Steps such as composting, recycling paper, and collecting aluminum cans for money. Many communities have bins where people can dispose of paper products like newspapers, magazines, and books. Aluminum recyclers will weigh your cans and pay you current rates per pound.   Recycling results in the need for less new resources to be used.
    A second measure to reduce the amount of waste is to use less.   This is an alternative that is...