Temporal Paradigm

Presentation Paper – The Temporal Paradigm and Family Tree of Man

In chapter 4, “Classification”, Spurr explains Foucault’s notion of Discourse in the following quote: “A statement can lay claim to truth, Foucault says, only by obeying a discursive police. Within the realm of discourse, classification performs this policing function, assigning positions, regulating groups, and enforcing boundaries.” (Spurr 63) This quote as used by Spurr as well as Foucault’s notion of the “squared and spatialized” development of natural history is can easily be seen in visual tables used by social evolutionists and racial scientists during the period of Empire. There are various theories regarding how different races came to be, using the paper written by John Haller Jr., we are going to look at the Monogenists and the differing sections Polygenistis with their theories of belief, the awareness of variations in the vast spectrum of the genus homo have been questioned; including the term “races” and whether they actually came from one primitive being.
The first two groups of monogenists were the Adamites and the Rational monogenists who had differing theories, but still the same general conclusion. The Adamites believed in the biblical story of Adam and Eve, along with the belief that races came about from those who landed on Mt. Ararat in Turkey; where Noah's Ark is thought to have landed.   They have no belief in science only that of faith, however the Rational monogenists had a mixed belief; faith in the bible and some aspect in science.   Since the Earth was older than the bible, man had to have been created prior to Adam and Eve there had to be another way of creation.   The story doesn't go into much detail but their belief focused on creation of varation during the time of travellors like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Babur (Mughal emperor), as they passed through the Asian mountain system.   Since they passed through at different times and for different lengths...