Tempest Essay

How does the tempest and your related texts relate to the concepts underpinning imaginative journeys.

Inherent in any imaginative journey is an aspect of change or transformation, which is developed through the journey itself, its challenges and not the destination. This change is shaped upon the psychological and metaphysical development learned from experiences encompassed in the imaginary medium. Imaginative journeys are transcendent and can shape knowledge and paradigms. These journeys allow us to speculate, hypothesise and further explore human existence. Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” is a clear example which portrays Prospero questioning his morals and ultimately, changes his perspective about human nature. Miyazaki’s “Spirited away” similarly shows the shift in perspective in Chihiro from an apathetic 10 year old girl to a heroine who’s able to save not only her self, but the others around her. Robert Frosts the road not taken opposes mainstream paradigms and discusses the stigma while depicting “Other path”. All these texts clearly demonstrate the concepts and techniques accentuating the transformative nature of imaginative journeys.

In terms of transformation the journey is more vital than the destination. Robert Frosts “The road not taken” (TRNT) succinctly describes a journey inside and through an imaginary medium a “path less travelled” as being more important than an actual destination. Frost begins his poem with a choice, “Two roads diverged in a wood” immediately emanating the theme of change, this is also and extended metaphor of the choices that must be made in life, but the change appears to be physical. Frost then slowly digresses into the psychological processes and paradigms his main character faces, and an imaginary journey becomes apparent. The word sorry is used multiple times emoting the feeling of sadness that the choice presents. There is also changing of tense from past, to present and then future. This reflects that his choice is...