Teenage Suicide

Each year in the U.S, thousands of teenagers commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-24 years olds and the sixth leading cause of death for 5-14 years old. (Stone DH). Adolescence is an unsettling time. With many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life. This means that teenagers experience strong feelings of stress, confusion, self doubt, pressure to succeed, financial uncertainty and other fears while growing up. When a teen commits suicide or attempted suicide, everyone in the family is affected. The reasons behind a suicide or attempted suicide can be complex but often there are warning signs. Suicide rates differ between boys and girls. Girls think about and attempt suicide about twice as often as boys, and tend to attempt suicide by overdosing on drugs or cutting themselves. Yet boys die by suicide about four times as often girls, perhaps because they tend to use more lethal methods, such as firearms, hanging, or jumping from heights.( Cheltenham MP). Many of the signs and symptoms of suicidal feelings are similar to those of depression. The reasons behind a suicide or attempted suicide can be complex but often there are warning signs.

Contributing factors to adolescent suicide includes:
Family history of suicide, physical illness, psychological and mental disorders especially depression and schizophrenia, relationship loss.

    • change in eating and sleeping habits
    • withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
    • violent actions, rebellious behavior, or running away
    • drug and alcohol use
    • unusual neglect of personal appearance
    • marked personality change
    • persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork
    • Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc.
    • loss of interest in pleasurable activities...