Teen Violence

Teen Violence and Crime in the United States
Cristy Givens
Baker College
HUS 141

When you turn on your television to the local news channel, you see more and more crimes being committed by our youth’s. Such news has added to the general public’s growing fears. Teen violence and crime is a serious and rapidly growing problem in America today. There are many factors that can be blamed for this problem. As of now, no one can give the right answer to the problem. We as American’s need to pull together to put more effort in finding the cause of this epidemic and we all need to do it before it is too late.
When you think about juvenile delinquency you most likely think of serious criminal activity but, it is not just that, it also includes other behaviors that are not criminal. Running away from home, truancy from school, and disobeying parents or legal guardians are a few examples. Most of these behaviors can be just the beginning of the behaviors that can lead to teen criminal offences. Shoemaker states that “The maximum age for juvenile court jurisdiction is 18 but, some states have lowered the age limits. The upper age limit is usually referred to the age of majority—the age at which a person is considered an adult, at least in terms of voting privileges and civil status in society. The upper age limit has very specific guidelines of jurisdiction. Shoemaker states that, all states contain provisions in their juvenile laws for the transfer of juveniles from juvenile court to adult court (Shoemaker 2009 p.3).”   Some states are giving responsibilities to the prosecutors to decide whether to charge these youth’s as adults or to charge them in juvenile court. This is adding a great deal of stress to the prosecutors everyday work life. If anyone was sitting at a desk, and a teens file was slapped on your desk it would be a hard decision for them. The life of that youth would be in their hands. What a scary thought. There are two conditions that must be met before...