Tda Child Young Person Development

3.2 identify transitions that only some children and young people may experience

Bereavement- The death of a close friend or family member may be very traumatic for a child. If it a parent this is one of the most significant and painful losses.
Sometimes children who lose one parent can become very anxious about the survival of the other.
All children cope with bereavement differently and it depends on their age and their personalities and how close they were to the bereaved person. Symptoms such as bed wetting, lack of concentration, clinging or anti-social behaviour such as bullying, becoming aggressive and angry with the world are all sign of emotional stress.

Parental divorce or separation- This will affect children in different ways. It can be very traumatic for children and they tend to pick up on all the negative behaviours that their parents are displaying. When Parents split up they may fight with each other and become stress and anxious, often this anger and frustration can be taken out on the children and they can become neglected during this time.
It can be very frightening time for a child if the parents don’t handle the situation sensibly, sensitively and continue to be positive role models for the children.

New sibling- Very young children wear the age gap is closer will tend to find this the most difficult to cope with as they may have feelings of insecurity as the dynamics in the family structure have changed.
Single children who have not had to share parents may feel rejected and unloved.
Older children may also be affected and time needs to be taken to make sure that they are given a fair share of attention to ease their worries.