Tda 3.6


Children may encounter prejudice and discrimination at school in many different ways. Prejudice is based on somebodies opinions about another person or race, but that person will not act on it. Discrimination is when somebody acts upon his or her prejudice.
Prejudice and discrimination can start from a young age but will usually be regarding boys and girls playing certain games together i.e. football or playing with dolls. As they grow up children can a wider range of prejudice and discrimination, this can be due to race, religion, dress, colour of hair, age, sex, culture and ethnicity. Sometimes this behaviour can be learnt from home, which can be quite a delicate matter. It is important that you do not refer to home life, but be consistent and reinforce that it is not acceptable and that what they are doing is hurtful and upsetting to the other child (persistent behaviour needs to be reported.) At St Joseph’s we refer to our mission statement “Our family at St Joseph’s learn, loves and grows with God at the centre.” We are ALL part of God’s family.


Prejudice and discrimination can have a detrimental effect on a child, which if not sorted out can have an effect through to adulthood.
  * A child who is discriminated by their peers can feel isolated and lonely, they will lose confidence in themselves and may start to withdraw from and social activities i.e. break time and lunch time (the child who’s always in the toilet, last to come out from lunch, always asking to do jobs.)
  * Their learning could be affected as their interaction with others reduces. They may have a lot of time off school, crying when leaving their parents in the morning. They will find it hard to concentrate in class due to worrying about not fitting in.
  * As their self-esteem reduces they may find it hard to form friendships with their peers and adults as they go through life.


All of us will have our own values and beliefs instilled in us fro our own...