Tda 2.16

TDA 2.16 - Support children & young people's play & leisure

      1.1) Describe the importance of play & leisure for children & young people.
. Using play to learn about different cultures through books or playing a game which involves dressing up, for example learning how to put on a sari or try food from different countries, these things can expand a child’s mind.

Physical (gross motor) activities is how a child moves it can be running, jumping, swimming, catching and dancing all of which build strength and boost coordination. Physical play is also a way to learn about teamwork.

Being creative through play or leisure by drawing, painting, playing music or making something is a way for children to express themselves and gain pride in their achievements.  

It is so important that children have variety in their lives joining clubs, playing by themselves or with others or even just spending time with family can be very beneficial to a child. Children learn new things every day as a child plays, they learn all about themselves and what they can do. Play and leisure helps them make friends and discover the world around them and have fun at the same time   they are also exercising and developing both emotionally and physically.

In a child’s life, especially from when the child is born to the age of five, play and leisure are really important. Play and leisure could help a child build up confidence and make new friendships through interaction, and be creative. The children also get the chance to explore what is around them; the world and their own feelings.

      1.2) Describe how play & leisure contribute to children & young people's development.
Most practitioners disagree with the idea of having to formally assess children in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children, especially those who are under the age of 5, develop through play. Therefore, children can be assessed through nursery nurses’ observing them. This shows...