Task 4 Assignment


Explain the ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners which would underpin behaviour and respect for others
Recommended word count: 150 -250

Ground rules are the minimum requisite conditions for learning in a classroom. They are guidelines that a group of learners establish to determine how individuals should behave. In order to be effective, they must be distinct and constant, agreed to and observed at all times. It is unfair to berate the learners for breaching rules, they were not aware of.
Establishing ground rules should be done in class and as soon as possible, preferably during the first session. The main thing to remember is that you speak to the group as adults.
Agreed rules are more likely to be followed. So, the best way to establish them is to let the group create the rules. Suggest they consider what they, as individuals, require to guarantee a safe learning environment. By encouraging learners to engage in establishing the rules, it is easier to gain acceptance of fair rules.
Some ground rules that you may use:
Listen actively, be non-judgemental, keep an open mind, confidentiality always. Respect others when they are talking, no side discussions, everyone will be given a chance to speak without interruptions.
Respectfully challenge by asking questions, refrain from personal attacks. The goal isn’t to always agree but to gain deeper understanding. Avoid being defensive, give feedback in a constructive manner.
Participate to the fullest of your ability, emphasise balanced participation of the whole group, respect opinions of others, positively support each other.
Be conscious of body language and non-verbal responses, they can be as disrespectful as words.
Emphasise open honest communication, no hidden agendas.
Treat each other with respect at all times (punctuality, H&S, switching off mobiles).
Word Count - 275