Task 3.1 Unit 5 Principles of Safeguarding and Protection

Task 3.1 Unit 5 Principles of safeguarding and protection
Section 1 How to recognise signs of abuse.
      1.1 Define the following types of abuse:
  * Physical abuse
  * Sexual abuse
  * Emotional/psychological abuse
  * Financial abuse
  * Institutional abuse
  * Self-neglect
  * Neglect by others
Being the hardest to handle and may be the most unpleasant of all, abuse appears in different forms and for different people, no matter the age, sexuality, culture, etc.
The most obvious type of abuse is the physical one, due to the physical symptoms usually noticeable on skin, injuries, intimidation, etc.
The sexual abuse takes place when the consent was not given and is considered to be in terms of a position of power. Children cannot give consent for it to happened and adults who don’t have the capacity to give consent are also being sexually abused. The sexual abuse is a result of forced sexual activity against someone's will,
The emotional/psychological abuse appears in every type of abuse as a second symptom. However, where there is only emotional/psychological abuse, there is no type of force taking place, the abuser will try to mentally dominate the abused.
The financial abuse takes place when a person's money, funds, etc., are obtained without that person's consent. Also, the person must be mentally capable to give consent.
The institutional abuse appears when an organization fails to provide quality services towards the service users.
Self-neglect is a type of abuse where people are not able to take care of their self, situation in which they could put at risk their health.
Neglect by others is a type of abuse where people's health is put at risk due to a lack of the care needed. This can be active, when it happened on purpose or passive, when the person who provides care is not aware of its actions.  
      1.2 Identify the signs and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse
For physical abuse there will be signs such as:...