Tablet Pc Market Research – Uses and Desired Characteristics for Young Adults

Paul Ionica
Marketing Research Report
Spring 2014
Tablet PC Market Research – uses and desired characteristics for young adults

Table Of Content

A tablet PC is generally defined as a portable computer larger than a mobile phone with a flat touchscreen as its dominant external feature. It is operated mainly by touching the screen with the use of either a stylus or one’s fingers. The tablet platform’s inherent portability, doubled with increased computing power and battery life, gives it a huge potential to replace desktop PCs and laptop computers for both personal and business use.


The tablet PC market, which only experienced full development with the device’s mass production in 2010, has been dominated by Apple’s iPad, which runs on the iOS operating system. Other major players in the industry include Samsung, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, HTC, RIM, Motorola, Sony, HP, Toshiba, and Asus. These tablets use Google’s Android, Microsoft’s Windows, or RIM’s QNX as their operating systems.
The rising demand for tablets versus smartphones reflects consumer demand for information and entertainment on-the-go. In short, consumers’ lifestyle and habits have been redefined due to tablets’ ease of use, affordability and portability. Similar trends have also been seen in the corporate landscape, where tablets are becoming an attractive alternative for portable computing in small and medium-sized enterprises.
According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 42% of US adults now own a tablet, citing results from a survey  conducted in January 2014. That represents an 8-point increase from 34% of adults just 4 months ago. The research identified significant differences in ownership when sorting by age group, education level, and household income. Tablet adoption did not significantly vary by gender.

Problem Statement

The problem faced by tablet manufacturers is how they can continue to increase...