
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults A Shared Responsibility

Standards & Guidance for Good Practice in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults A Shared Responsibility
Standards & Guidance for Good Practice in Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
This is the first edition of this Guidance, published by Volunteer Now. The publication of this Guidance is supported by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety. First Edition 2010 This publication can be downloaded from our website - Volunteer Now 129 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 1SH Tel: 028 9023 6100
A Charity (Inland Revenue) No XT22896. Company Limited by Guarantee No NI602399. Registered in Northern Ireland.

Ministerial Foreword Introduction Section 1
The organisation has a safeguarding vulnerable adult policy supported by robust procedures.

Section 2
The organisation consistently applies a thorough and clearly defined method of recruiting staff and volunteers in line with legislative requirements and best practice.

Section 3
There are procedures in place for the effective management, support, supervision and training of staff and volunteers.

Section 4
The organisation has clearly defined procedures for raising awareness of, responding to, and recording and reporting concerns about actual or suspected incidents of abuse.

Section 5
The organisation operates an effective procedure for assessing and managing risks with regard to safeguarding vulnerable adults.

Section 6
There are clear procedures for receiving comments and suggestions, and for dealing with concerns and complaints about the organisation.

Section 7
The organisation has a clear policy on the management of records, confidentiality and sharing of information.

Section 8
There is a written code that outlines the behaviour expected of all involved with the organisation, including visitors.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - A Shared Responsibility

January 2011


© Volunteer Now
