Summary for the Legacy of Andrew Jackson by Robert V. Remini

Based on Robert V. Remini’s book “The Legacy of Andrew Jackson” the central question of the Jacksonian period focused upon how the doctrines of democracy replaced the doctrines of republicanism in United States. He assure that the Founding Fathers never envisioned that a democracy would result from their deliberations in Philadelphia in 1787.
Jackson feared that the development of powerful central government will jeopardize the freedom of the individual and the sovereign states. Also, he feared that it will generate elitism, which excited the interest and attention of the rich because of the economic benefits it produce. Then, the government will be the tool for the wealthy to increase their wealth at the expense of the less fortunate. Ultimately, Jackson said, a powerful central government   “is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country.” Since Jackson was the governor of the Florida Territory Jackson repeatedly argued that there must be “no distinction between the rich and poor the great and ignoble.”
In 1822 Jackson said “My fervent prayers are that our republican government may be perpetual, and the people alone by their Virtue, and independent exercise of their free suffrage can make it perpetual.” He believed that the virtue of the free people is the only protector of the liberty and when virtue fled, free government ceased to exist.
In the presidential election of 1824-25 the popular vote had been registered. Jackson had 153,000 votes while the combined tally of his opponents was 208,000. He did have the plurality more than anyone else but the members of Congress set that result aside and voted for John Adams. This was the single event that exercised more influence on Andrew Jackson’s thinking about republicanism and democracy more than any other thing. That point was a turning point in the evolution of the country from a republic to a democracy. Since that he converted into a rabid...