Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

There has been a number of studies done to understand why individuals turn to substance abuse but there has not any success in the studies. There are some studies that say that it is a personality issue that leads to substance abuse which has not been proven. Personality research continues to be a factor in the study of alcoholics and drug abusers. The results suggest that such use is more common among adolescents who show pre-drug use signs of one or more of the following: rebelliousness, other adjustment problems, depression, sensation seeking (Kandel& Yamaguchi, 1985;Stein et al., 1987; Shelder & Block, 1990). None of these factors have been proven to account for the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Studies have had the evidence to show that pre-drinking personality traits are in those that have had a drinking problem since an early age. Evidence also suggest that such people have a genetically determined brain disorder involving the prefrontal lobes (Tarter et al., 1988). These disturbances lead to deficit disorders, pre-alcoholic essential tremor, emotional instability, and aggressiveness not excluding others.

When dealing with substance abuse in the workplace individuals do not leave these problems at home. Of the 17.2 million illicit drug users aged 18 or older in 2005, 12.9 million (74.8 percent) were employed either full or part time (OSHA). There has been many who have had accidents in the workplace and have ended up dying have been known to test positive from some kind of substance. Some effects of substance abuse in the workplace are mistakes that are not normally usual. There have been workplace injuries because of substance abuse. There are many substance abuse incidents that has affected the workplace and the individuals involved do not realize the affects that it has on not only the companys but other employees.

Employee assistance programs can help employees in controlling there habits by motivating other employees. Knowing that...