Streetcar Named Desire

Lets begin with the concept, of ‘Societal expectations of Male dominance, can result in the powerless nature of women. The context of the 19th century, known as the Victorian Era, states that The Duke comes from a noble family, of the Upper class. As a factor, the he has a proud, possessive nature, which browning has manipulated in the structure of the poem, firstly being a monologue, and secondly through the use of Metonymy in the dukes   ‘Nine-hundred year old name’.
This society expectation of Male Dominance, puts the duchess in a powerless and overuling position to the male.   Moreover The duchess in browning’s poem is polite and smiling to all, which is in despite of the Duke, as the circumlocution of his monologue, build upon how much he misprises the actions of his duchess. It can be seen how this societal conform of male dominance has led to the struggle for power of the female figure, as in conclusion, the Duke arranges the murder of the Duchess.  
Similar context In Williams film, is explored as Blanches fading southern belle nature, (seen through her frilly, dressy clothing) puts her into conflict with Stanley,(from the rising lower class, which is seen through not only his clothing, but his incorrect grammar when speaking) as he dislikes her unwillingness   to reconcile with her ‘lower feelings’. Stanley certifies this in the film, with a firm, tone, saying ‘I am the king around here and don’t you forget it’. The power of Stanley is further established in the Rape scene, as Shadows are manipulated to represent the action, terror and power of Stanley over Blanche,
Hence, it can be summated that these two texts support each other in their concerns of gender, being the power of the male figure, leading to the powerless nature of women.

Now, the idea that The Innocence of the female figure, can cause conflict, and a struggle for power between the sexes. The duchess in Browning’s text is seen to blush at the will of others in the poem, manifested...