Street Car Named Desire

Accepting reality

The text ‘A Street Car Named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams and The Truman Show by Peter Weir both have similar cases in which “reality is accepted”. In ‘A Street Car’ the character of Stella accepts the reality that her sister has lost her mind. Blanche-“I want to be near you, got to be with somebody, I can’t be alone! Because - as you must have noticed - I’m – not very well”… [Her voice drops to a worried calm tone and her look is frightened.]
Although Blanche appears normal “images do not always tell the truth”. Stella has to accept the reality that her sister is Mentally ill. In contrast the Truman show also deals with the acceptance of reality. “We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented.” For so long Truman accepted his life and thought nothing of it. But as things became clearer he ended up at the edge of the artificial world of Sea heaven.
Truman now accepts the reality that his life has been a lie and goes out to start life again. “Good morning and in case I don’t see you, good afternoon and good evening” Truman says this in an attempt to mock Christof.

Seeking truth

The text ‘A Streetcar named desire and the Truman show both deal with seeking the truth. The character of Stanley in A Street Car is constant in uncovering the truth about his sister in law Blanche. He is persistent in in finding out about her past and doesn’t hesitate to use physical violence as well as an angry tone to get his way. The Truman shows deals with the character of Truman seeking the truth about his life. He starts to question repeatedly the realism of his life.