Stoke Moran


A horrific story has been reveled, in which an attempted murder backfires…

Helen Stoner was very close to death as her deceased sister Julia Stoner who died 2 years ago (story covered by Rosie Williams). It was the Indian snake which made these events occur. Dr. Roylott had kept this snake and trained it with sweet milk so that it would kill whoever it bit. There would be no trace of poison or puncture marks, so that it would seem like a natural death but not a murder mystery. But all was reveled by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Hamish Watson.

This death was on the 14th June at Stoke Moran (the house inherited by Dr. Roylott a descendent of a Viking family). Because of Julia’s death, it was only Miss H. Stoner and Dr G.Roylott who lived there. And because of Dr. Roylott’s love of Indian animals he owned a Cheater and a Baboon as pets but these had nothing to do with the case. The inheritance of the death of Mrs. Stoner (Helens mother) was the cause of Dr. Roylott plan to kill his stepdaughters. In her will she claimed that each daughter once married would get £250, to make sure that this didn’t happen he killed them. It is thought that this was done because they were not his genetic daughters so he would have no guilt in killing them, for example Miss Helen said “The man was heartless and frequently violent, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him who killed mum and just said the she was killed in a railway accident.” Miss Stoner was soon to be married to Mr. Percy Armatiage in a fortnight when she called on Holmes because she was afraid of death by the same cause as her sister 2 years back. The murder was in Julia’s room and this was where the ventilator went into Dr. Roylott’s room and the bell pull that didn’t work and the bed was bolted down to the floor, it was a clear pathway for the snake-the individual asleep in the bed. There Roylott would call the trained snake back with a low whistle and lock him in a big safe....