
Q1a) Proportion of white men who donate to charity is =0.52
Ethnicity * Gender * Donor status Crosstabulation
Donor status Gender Total
Man Woman
Not a donor Ethnicity Non-white 145 144 289
White 1642 1642 3284
Total 1787 1786 3573
Donor Ethnicity Non-white 104 160 264
White 1761 2652 4413
Total 1865 2812 4677
Total Ethnicity Non-white 249 304 553
White 3403 4294 7697
Total 3652 4598 8250

Total White male population =3403
While male’s who donate to charity =1761
Proportion of white men who donate to charity - 1761/3403=0.5174

Total Male population = 3652
Male who donate to charity = 1865
Proportion of males who donate to charity - 1865/3652 = 0.51
Total Female Population = 4598
Females who donate to charity = 2812
Proportion of females who donate to charity - 2812/4598 = 0.61
Proportion of males who donate to charity is = 0.51
Proportion of females who donate to charity is = 0.61
Confidence Interval
Male 0.51±2.575√(0.51(1-0.51))/3652 = 0.49, 0.53
Female 0.51±2.575√(0.61(1-0.61))/3652 = 0.59,0.63
After calculating the confidence interval, we are 99% confident that the male population proportion who give to charity lies between 0.49 to 0.53. For female we are 99% confident that female population proportion who give to charity lies between 0.59 to 0.63.
Population proportion for male (0.49, 0.53)
Population proportion for female (0.59, 0.63)
The confidence interval results suggest that the error rate of males and females in same.
Q1c) 9.1 percentage of the respondents in the sample are aged 24 years or under.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 24 years or less 753 9.1 9.1 9.1
25 - 34 1364 16.5 16.5 25.7
35-44 1590 19.3 19.3 44.9
45-54 1295 15.7 15.7 60.6
55-64 1296 15.7 15.7 76.3
65-74 1045 12.7 12.7 89.0
75+ 907 11.0 11.0 100.0
Total 8250 100.0 100.0

Null Hypothesis – there is association between age group and donor status