Staples Essay

Stephanie Kaiser

Staples Essay

Brent Staples dealt with the prejudices against him in several ways. He learned to overlook the anger he felt at being misjudged, otherwise it would have driven him crazy.   In fact, he took it a step further and went out of his way to make others feel more comfortable; he kept a “safe” distance, crossing the street to distance himself from the people who most feared him, and he was calm and polite to them when he had to deal with them directly. He would also whistle tunes by classical composers, soothing himself and others.
While I do not relate with his specific situation, I do understand that people often have a tendency to be closed minded, and to fear what they don’t know. I do relate with that.
A few years ago, my family was driving home after spending the morning at a swap meet and we were hit by a drunk driver. My husband sustained a head injury which led to his losing his job of 15 years. I had been a stay-home mom and did not have an income either. Because we could no longer pay our rent we were evicted from our home. We lived in a tent for a month and then motor home for several more months. Prior to the accident, I had been very ignorant about homeless people. I had just assumed that they were where they were because they were too lazy to work or because they probably had substance abuse issues that led to them not having homes. I was so wrong! It took being in their situation myself to see how closed minded I myself had been.