
A speech is a recited form of human communication and one of the most effective methods of conveying a message to a certain audience.

Presenting a speech to the whole class obliges practice and confidence. These two factors generally determine how well you will present your speech. You can never fully ensure yourself that what you’re expressing to your audience is effective; which therefore interferes with the performance of my speaking, puts me down and provokes me to break down during my presentation. In addition, I’m in constant agonize of how my classmates will perceive my speech and if my message will be delivered vigorously.

Negative thoughts that arouse my mind when thinking of giving a speech to the whole class are: I feel so self-conscious. What if my classmates don’t like my presentation? I don’t want to do this. I always fail so what’s the use of trying? I’m too nervous, I cannot present anymore. I’m going to mess up. My unattractiveness will affect my presentation. How will I present such a speech? What if I’m criticized? How will my classmates react to my speech? Did I write this speech accurately? Is my argument right or wrong? I’m going to fail! Am I doing this right? I give up. I’m never doing this again. I’d rather receive a zero for this assignment. I’m really bad at this.

I feel so self conscious. What if my classmates do not like my speech? I don’t want to do this. I always fail so what’s the use of trying? I’m too nervous. I’m going to mess up. My unattractiveness will affect my presentation. How will I present such a speech? What if I’m criticized? How will my classmates react to my speech? Did I write this speech accurately? Is my argument right or wrong? I’m going to fail! Am I doing this right? I give up. I’m never doing this again. I’d rather receive a zero for this assignment. I’m really bad at this. In contrary to these negative reflections, some positive sentences I can tell myself are, I will do great. Remember to focus...