Speech Approch

The job interview is the one most important thing in the job interview process. There are many things that factor in when one interviews for a job such as your appearance, verbal communication, and nonverbal communication. Appearance is everything in the interview process. No one wants to hire someone who comes in to an interview in non popper attire. If you go into an interview in tank-top, sweat pants, a cowboy hat, and flip flops you’re not going to make a good impression on the interviewer and they will wonder why they are even considering you for a job with their company. Your attire will vary for the job but most of the time men should wear:   Suit (solid color - navy or dark grey), Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit), Belt, Tie, Dark socks, conservative leather shoes, Little or no jewelry, Neat, professional hairstyle, Limit the aftershave, Neatly trimmed nails, Portfolio or briefcase. Women should wear:   Suit (navy, black or dark grey),The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably, Coordinated blouse, Conservative shoes, Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets), No jewelry is better than cheap jewelry, Professional hairstyle, Neutral pantyhose, Light make-up and perfume, Neatly manicured clean nails, Portfolio or briefcase. There is also the issue of things you should have on you when you enter the interview room like cell phone (no one wants to be interviewing you and you get a call from your girlfriend or boyfriend), gum (you do not want to go into an interview chewing and or smacking on a stick of big red), mp3 player (you are not going to be jamming out to ACDC in the interview and there always a chance you accidently hit it and it come on) , coffee or coke ( do not go in to an interview with a tall moca latae or a 20 oz. coke it just doesn’t look professional).
Another big thing in the interview process is verbal communication. Verbal communication is a big factor because you need to...