Sonnett 73

Love in “Sonnet 73”
Many people speculate that the meaning behind “Sonnet 73” could be interpreted as death, or dying, or even could be seen as the aging process.   Others say that the meaning and emotion behind the sonnet is love.   This would be the better interpretation of the sonnet, being that the main point made is love above all else.

In the beginning of the sonnet William Shakespeare stated that “yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang”. (81)   In this line Shakespeare implies the meaning of aging, and along with the aging process away goes his youth; a little farther into the poem Shakespeare states that “in me thou seest the twilight of such day”.(81)   This gives us the feel dying.   That he is fading into death and his days are short.   At this point the author makes it know that the feel of the poem is dying in this quatrain, not aging anymore it is clear he has moved past aging.   Next Shakespeare says “as after sunset fadeth in the west which by and by black night doth take away”. (81)   Shakespeare implied
meaning here is death, that time is gone and death has him in his grasp.   The author has moved past the aging process, and has moved through the phase in which he can feel his days are numbered to a point where he dead.   Finally Shakespeare says that “this thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, to love that well which thou must leave ere long”. (81)   This is where Shakespeare gives the meaning to the whole poem as love, he implies that he can see this person’s love only grow stronger even though she knows that he will soon be gone, yet she still loves him so.   Now Shakespeare has taken the sonnet from aging, to
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dying, to death, and finally to love which wraps the hole sonnet up.  
In closing, the poem could be interpreted many ways and could hold many different meanings, but the one that pulls the whole poem together is love.   This could be seen from the author’s portrayal of aging, to dying, to death, yet her love for him...