Social Work with Children and Families

Social Care with Children and Families Diploma Course


1. Briefly discuss the meaning of family from different perspectives.

Some may say that a family is a unit of a man, a woman and their children living together in a household.   Others may include other arrangements, such as single parent families, adopted/fostered children, step families, extended families of grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins etc.   Some may look at the family that live within a household and others include those that live outside of the household.

Although most people would consider family as those united by either blood or marriage, others may include special friendships, and both or same sex lovers.

Some may believe the meaning of the word "family" as those who support, love, care and respect each other, regardless of a biological or marriage link.   A view may be that within a family unit we spend time together, sometimes good - talking, laughing, sharing and caring, and sometimes not so good - crying, arguing or ignoring.

Some may look at their family as those that provide security, support and help throughout their life.

2. What is the difference between what is myth and what might be reality when people talk about family life in the past?

When people talk about family life in the past, they tend to be referring to the middle class families and not the whole of society.   What the poorer classes suffered and sustained is often not acknowledged as having existed.   Questions can be raised over the real stability of family life in the past.   Having studied historical facts, it is evident that politicians and others that talk of a better family life in the past, are perhaps talking of an ideal that did not exist.

The expression "seen through rose-coloured spectacles" is used as people remember or talk of the past as being so much better, failing to mention any problems.

3. What is the dominant ideology of the family?

The dominant ideology of...