Soc Paper

John Abner
Common Ground
Professor Brann
October 5, 2015

Sisters of Charity

The Sisters of Charity are a religious organization that consist of women that devoted to the education of children, care of orphans, the poor and sick. They were originally founded in Emmitsburg, Maryland by Elizabeth Seton in July 1809. The mission is to live the Gospel values, to act justly, to build loving relationship, to share resources with those in need to care for all creation. It was the first community of religious women native to the United States.
Shortly after they were formed they begin to receive requests for assistance to come and serve in the diocese. Dioceses are districts that the religious organizations that live in them focus on there was a request that resulted in for sisters being sent to Cincinnati Ohio. They came in 1829 to open Saint Peter School in orphanage for girls. This is the first permanent women's religious community that was established in Cincinnati in March 25, 1952. They formed the diocesan community of the sisters of charity of Cincinnati with the help of Archbishop John Purcell. Their work expanded in the open voice orphanage in the first Catholic hospital Cincinnati.
During the Civil War sisters volunteered as nurses more than 100 of them actively served the Easton friend Ohio Maryland Virginia on the Westin from Mississippi Kentucky and Tennessee. Due to her outstanding medical working dynamic personality Sister Anthony O'Connell came want to be known as the angel of the battlefield.
Following the Civil War forces of the charity went to Santa Fe to open the first hospital in the New Mexico territory St. Vincent's other sisters came to explain with words to open an orphanage in an industrial school for girls. They earned money to support themselves legging real roots mining camps in the worse the hospital in Cincinnati continue to grow and become known as Good Samaritan hospital. It began as a place to serve on with mothers and...