

Described to be a visionary and a philosopher by the Prtizker Prize Jury, Rem Koolhaas was not only an architect and founder of OMA (Office of Metropolitan Architecture) but a writer as well. He started off as a scriptwriter and later began to work as a journalist for the Haagse Post.   Koolhaas’s writings won him fame in the field of architecture long before he built his first building.   His ability to not only be able to design but to write as well gave him the opportunity to become the co-founder of Volume Magazine, and a series of books such as Project on the City, and Content.   This research report however, reviews some of his popular literatures that he has written such as Delirious New York, and S, M, L, XL along with multiple articles and books written by other architects and people who portray value in the field of architecture.   I will investigate his theory and analysis of high-rise architecture in Manhattan as he addresses the issues of Manhattanism, along with the importance of program and the unexpected functions that form within an array of programs.   I will give brief yet, thorough descriptions of projects that have been completed by Koolhaas and OMA as well as architects using the same methods and strategies in order to approach design and how they demonstrate and incorporate his theories and different styles of functions through program placement.   His buildings do not consist primarly of large massive scales, but he does admire architecture for creating buildings that are so large that a single structure by itself can create an urban condition of intensity and diversity.   Although there are several built buildings which address Koolhaass’ theories and key factors which influence his designs, some of the buildings that I chose to include and go into more detail was the Centre Pompidou by Renzo Piano, and Richard Rogers, The MAXXI museum by Zaha Hadid,   and Greg Lynns style of architecture also known as “blob architecture” because of...