
Although Macbeth is influenced by his wife's ambition and the prophetic words of the witches,   it is his own ambition that is the guiding force of his destiny.While it seems that Macbeth may have always possessed the desire to be king, it is not until he meets the three witches and hears their prophesies that the ball is set in motion and his ambition comes to light. By the end of the play, it is Macbeth’s own ambition that is the ultimate guiding force of his downfall.
The role of witches presents itself as complex component into Macbeth’s destiny. Upon meeting the three witches Macbeth commands them, "stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more", (1.3.70) about his future as Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland. It is immediately apparent that the witches' words have piqued his interest and awakened his sense of ambition. He questions the witches, wanting them to tell him how these events will transpire. Macbeth could have chosen not to disregard the messages of the witches, but instead he fixates on their words and what they mean. In stark contrast, Banquo, who is able to control his ambitions, is offered comparatively fateful news and does not use it for ill will, which shows that people control their destiny through control of their actions.
After Macbeth kills Duncan and becomes king, he again considers the witches' prophesies. In order to protect his crown, Macbeth decides that he must kill Banquo and Banquo's son, Fleance. This time, without the help of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth ambitiously plans the murders and succeeds in having the murder of Banquo carried out. In fact, Macbeth wants his wife completely ignorant of his plans, insisting, "Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest Chuck, Till thou applaud the deed" (3.2.48-49). Additionally, Macbeth proves he is in control of the situation and aware of the evil of his actions as he professes, "Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill" (3.2.58). In the end, the instances of fate and ambition culminate in...