Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Sexually transmitted diseases infect an estimated 1 million people, daily.   In each generation that passes, the age of the average person who is sexually active lowers.   In 2005, a study showed the at least 26% of males and females have had sex by their 15th birthday.   An estimated 4 in 5 people have or will have an STD in their lifetime.   At these alarming rates, I believe that everyone should be educated on STDs and their symptoms and treatments.


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS, has killed more than 22 million to date, and has infected over 40 million people living today.   In the United States, an estimated 40,000 new infections occur each year, with 75% of them transmitted by heterosexuals.   AIDS has now been classified as a pandemic, or a disease that has been spread worldwide.
AIDS is disease of the immune system that occurs after contracting human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV.   Attacking T-helper cells and macrophages, HIV weakens the body’s ability to fight off infections.   Secondary diseases are usually what prove fatal for AIDS victims, with rarely encountered ones such as pneumonia and Kaposi’s sarcoma leading to death.
The HIV virus is exchanged via unprotected sex, hypodermic needles, open wounds, vaginal fluids, semen, childbirth, or blood.   It occurs in most body fluids except tears and saliva.   There is no cure and no vaccine for AIDS.   Antiretroviral treatments can help slow growth, but are expensive and not always available.


Chlamydia, caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, is the most commonly reported STD.   It infects an estimated 5 million people each year.   The largest group affected is females ages 15-19.
Chlamydia symptoms are mild and not usually noticed.   They include painful urination, lower abdominal pain, discharge from the penis or vagina, painful intercourse, and testicular pain.   In males, Chlamydia can cause urethritis, an infection of the...