Seven Tips About How to Help a Physically Challenged Behavior

Seven tips about how to help a Physically challenged Behavior

Tip #1: Keep Your Expectations Realistic
It is important for you to know and understand your child's abilities and limitations. When you expect too much or too little from your child it
can lead to problems and frustrations for you both.
~You are in a restaurant with a group of friends. The waiter took your order over 30 minutes ago and your food still hasn't arrived. 2 ½ year-old
Simone is getting impatient -- she is throwing her crayons and saying that she wants down. Instead of getting angry and frustrated with her for acting up, try taking her for a short walk to give her and others a needed break.~

Tip #2: Plan Ahead
Try to anticipate what your child may do or need in various situations. Make sure that you plan ahead to set your child up for a successful expe-
rience. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Always have a back-up plan!
~Your family is in the car headed to your mother's house for dinner. It is usually a short drive, but rush-hour traffic is snarled, it's 6:30 pm, and
you're already 45 minutes late. Your 3 year-old is screaming for food in the backseat. Luckily, you remembered to bring some snacks and a sippy cup of water to hold him over until you can make it home~

Tip #3: Clearly State Your Expectations in Advance
Some undesirable behavior occurs because your child can't act differently, other times it occurs because your child simply doesn't want to act
differently. Either way it helps for you to remember that your child cannot read your mind. Be sure to give your child one clear instruction so
that he knows what it is that you want him to do.
~You are visiting at your sister's house and your daughter has been playing with her favorite cousin. Over the course of the afternoon, toys have
been tossed aside and scattered throughout the room. When you say, "Come on Alicia, it's time to get ready to go!" she ignores you completely and continues to play....