Sen Level 3 Assignment 6

Condition 1 – Cerebral Palsy

A) The Symptoms and Physical/ Emotional Effects of the Condition

Cerebral palsy can be caused by underdevelopments in the brain or by injuries to the brain. These underdevelopments can happen with in the mother’s womb or at any time during the child’s first two years of life. The first two years of life is a period where the brain is still undergoing major development.

The causes of cerebral palsy can go undiagnosed, a child with cerebral palsy may show signs that can be very individual to them and the degree and severity of signs can vary from person to person. The signs of cerebral palsy surface before the age of two years old and as early as three months old. These signs include delays in walking, crawling, rolling, sitting and reaching (NHS Choices, 2014).  

There are five common types of cerebral palsy, these are: spastic cerebral palsy, dyskinetic cerebral palsy, ataxic cerebral palsy, hypotonic cerebral palsy and mixed cerebral palsy (NHS Choices, 2014).

The symptoms include; tight muscles that have a difficulty in moveing and strethcing, walking with arms tucked into the sides, knees toucheing and walking on the toes, moving while asleep, joint contractures meaning the joints are tight, wak muslces, difficulty in moving certain muscles, tremmors, walking that is unsteading, difficulty in coordination, floppy muslces, joints that move excessivley, dysarthria (problems with language), heairng impairements, visual impairmenets, siezures, pain, difficulty swallowing, chewing or sucking, drooling, stunted growth and difficutly breathing (NHS Choices, 2014).

Children with cerebral palsy can also deal with a host of emotional effects such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Children with cerebral palsy are more likely to suffer from these issues due to their disability, they may have chronic pain and have to deal with this on a daily basis that can make them depressed. Also needing more extra help and not...