Self-Harm in Young Adults

Suicide is often associated with mental health difficulties, particularly mood disorders, but it is still important to understand the message behind suicidal behaviour and the processes leading to completed suicide. Granello (2010) suggests that, although every individual has a unique set of personal motivations, it is possible to identify three core categories:
· Avoidance.
· Communication.
· Control.
Suicide may be percieved as a rational and realistic option to avoid ongoing overwhelming distress or to avert impending intolererable experiences. It may also be an attempt to convey to others the depth of pain or despair the individual is experiencing. Finally it may be a way of taking control in a powerless situation-whether the attemp is to control others or to regain control of ones,s own destiny. Joiner (2005) suggests an interactive model to explain how people are able to overcome the drive for self-preservation and attempt or complete suicide. He outlines the notion of 'percieved burdensomeness' where people believe their death will benefit those close to them, and ' thwarted belongingness' where there is a sence of alienation and no close connections. He believes, however, that these distressing states are not sufficient to overcome the commitment to life unless people have aquired the capacity for 'lethal self injury'.
How many people self-harm?
It's almost impossible to say how many young people are self-harming. This is because very few teenagers tell anyone what's going on, so it's incredibly difficult to keep records or have an accurate idea of scale. It is thought that around 13% of young people may try to hurt themselves on purpose at some point between the ages of 11 and 16, but the actual figure could be much higher.
In 2014, figures were published suggesting a 70% increase in 10-14 year olds attending A&E for self-harm related reasons over the preceding 2 years.
Girls are thought to be more likely to self-harm than boys, but this could be...