Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’S Biodiversity

Scientific Taxonomy1

Scientific Taxonomy and Earth’s Biodiversity
Dale M. Morvaji
Axia College of University of Phoenix
July 25, 2010
Ms. Victoria Spearman

Scientific Taxonomy2
Scientific Taxonomy is defined as the classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicated natural relationships.   The following discusses, compares, and contrasts the relationships between 4 groups in 4 separate categories.   They are as follows:
  * Mammals-The Cheetah, a spotted, cat like mammal capable of speeds up to 71 MPH and the Giant Panda, A large bear best known for its black and white coloring.
  * Insects-The American Cockroach, a reddish-brown, winged insect roughly just over 1”-2” in size and the Subterranean Termite best known for their biting mouthparts and destructive abilities.
  * Birds-The Bald Eagle, a majestic bird known for their white heads and white tails and Cooper’s Hawk, a medium sized bird with a long, lean body.
  * Echinoderms-Crown of Thorns Starfish, red in color and protected by thorn-like spines and the Forbes’ Sea Star which is tan, brown or olive colored covered in small spines.

Some of the characteristics that classify the above mentioned creatures include the need for oxygen in order to sustain life.   Although methods of in taking this oxygen differ, the requirement still remains.   Another characteristic is the need for nourishment, a food source of some kind to promote growth and continued life.

The two mammals I am discussing, the Cheetah and the Giant Panda have multiple similarities that make each uniquely the same as well as quite different at the same time.   Two similarities include the ability to reproduce offspring.   Both the Cheetah and the Giant Panda possess reproductive organs that allow the females of both species to give birth to “cubs”.   Although the main source of food for the Giant Panda is mainly bamboo stalks, both will “feed on other mammals.”   The differences between the Cheetah and...