
The scientific revolution took place between 1500 and 1700, with scientists, or natural philosophers made many groundbreaking discoveries. A universe composed of matter in motion which could be understood through mathematics and experiment, changing the mindsets of many Europeans. The work of the scientists were greatly influenced by the approval of political figures and their desire of power, the support and compassion from influential members of the church and social factors that both influenced the progression and acceptance of the new theories.

Scientific findings were regarded highly among political figures because it was an opportunity to gain more power and money. With many Europeans sharing this mindset, those with power strived to create institutions like Royal Academies for these discoveries to be found and shared. As the Finance Minister under Louis XIV, Jean Baptiste Colbert must have wanted to preserve and increase France’s budget. “…an abundance of wealth and in causing the arts and sciences to flourish, we have been persuaded for many years to establish several academies for both letter and sciences.” (Doc 11). King Louis XIV himself was an ally of science as shown in Document 10, where the king is shown at the French Royal Academy, conversing with the scientists. The drawing shows a well-developed institute with instruments and specimens used in astronomy, geography, biology and navigation, which would have not been accessible if it weren’t for King Louis XIV’s interest and funding for the sciences. When scientific discoveries affect ambition, profit or lust of the rulers, they are questioned and suppressed; Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher stated in the Leviathan “…conflicted with the interests of those who rule, I know it would be suppressed” (Doc 7).

Although most of the Catholic Clergy disapproved of any scientific findings, some influential members of the church enjoyed and accepted the discoveries. John Calvin, a French Protestant...