Safeguarding Children

Section 1
The main legislation for safeguarding states that children must be protected from maltreatment and that children's health and development is prevented from impairment, children are able grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and that action is taken to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
The Every Child Matters (ECM) initiative was launched in 2003 after the death of Victoria Climbié, and was set up to cover children and young adults up to the age of 19 or 24 for those with a disability. It allows these individuals to here support needed to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy/achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve wellbeing (SHEEP).The framework of the ECM initiative allows multiple agencies such as children's centres, schools and social services to achieve the goals set in the framework. The ECM led to the children's act being implemented in 2004 which is a revision of the children's act 1989 due largely to the consequence of Victoria Climbié. It made a provision to appoint a children's commissioner for advisory and support services relating to family proceedings, fostering, children's day care and adoption.

Section 2
Child protection within safeguarding of children and young people is where the welfare of a child is paramount where in that no one child or group of children are treated less favourably in regard to accessing services that meet their needs, all children have the right to protection from abuse regardless of ethnicity, disability sexuality or beliefs.
It is the responsibility of everyone to promote the safeguarding and welfare of children regardless of their independent role.
The Hull Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) is a local authority that brings together key partners and organisations who can work together to promote children's welfare and protect them from abuse.

Section 3
If whilst working in a children's environment I was to hear comments or allegations in...