
Salat – Daily prayer of Islam
The Salat is a significant pillar for Muslims which expresses core beliefs of Islam.   It is the act of worshipping Allah the Almighty according to the teachings of the holy prophet. (Salat intro May 2008) Muslim belief is put into practice through ‘Arkan al – Islam – the five pillers of faith. Throughout the Muslim world, these five duties are performed by practicing Muslims and are a unifying force in Islam. . These five pillars make up the framework of Muslim life and additionally the Salat is greatly perceived as fundamental in the form of practice requirements in the Muslim faith..( Bowker, John, 1997).   A required obligation within the pillar which articulates vital importance takes in the form of the practice of praying 5 times a day subsequently having complete devotion to Allah. A level of dedication to the practice is believed to determine a Muslims fate at the Day of Judgment. (Bowker, John 1997) Each prayer contains a number of Raka’at
Amongst Shahada, Zakat, Sawm and the Hajj, the Salat (2nd pillar of Islam) expresses core obligatory requirements of Islam and also allows opportunities for direct communication with god. “I asked the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), ‘which deed is the most desirable to Allah?’ He replied: “To offer the obligatory prayer time’. Hadith,n 27, p. 17.This is achieved through the process of praying 5 times a day at dawn ‘who is sane, mature and, in the case of women, free from menstruation and confinement due to childbirth’. The practice is also believed to help Muslims avoid being too attached to non-essential things. (Janet Movissey et al 2005)
Within the Salat an essential part is motioned to be obligatory, this particular element is called the Raka’at. There are five obligatory prayers in a day and each prayer contains a set number of raka’at. (living religion). The distinguished required raka’at are as follows
  * Salat al-fair the morning prayer: two raka’at said...