Room 101

Room 101

Have any of you heard the mosquito tune? Well of course adults can’t, but the younger generations of society can. The high pitched sound is driving us all mad and I want to make a stand against it. Adults are using this sound against us and why should we have to listen to it. My pledge is to banish this mosquito tune into room 101.

The Mosquito or Mosquito alarm is an electronic device, used for solving loitering problems, which emits a sound with a high frequency. Mainly younger people hear this tune where as many adults can’t. The Mosquito has attracted controversy on the basis of human rights. Critics say that it discriminates against young people and infringes their human rights. Since adults lose the ability to hear high-pitched sounds, the teens are using this high-pitched ringtone to their advantage by setting their mobiles to ring this tone whenever they have an incoming call or text message. It's a way for their mobile phone to ring without adults knowing it. This is really annoying for many other children, as they don’t like having to listen to this high pitched, painful, stupid tune. Even listening to this tune for 5 seconds gives me a headache, so imagine having to listen to all the time when other children are playing it. If we put the mosquito tune into room 101 this would mean adults would not be able to put the sound anywhere teenagers hang around. It couldn’t be used if someone was trying to break into a shop. This would also stop the arguments over human rights. We all have rights, so is it fair that ours are being discriminated?  

There have been many health risks raised with tis tune. The German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health stated in a report on The Mosquito, entitled "Use of ultrasonic noise channels not entirely safe":
The results of the examination are now available. The auditors were not able to certify this device as completely safe. The risk to the target group of teenagers and young adults is...